Living Logistics

TGW webinar: Surmounting funding hurdles for automation

Surmounting Funding Hurdles for Automation

12. junio 2024

In today's business world, automation is increasingly important for boosting efficiency and staying competitive. However, many companies face the challenge of securing the necessary funding for automation projects. This news article highlights key points from our webinar "Overcoming Funding Hurdles for Automation" and provides valuable insights on how companies can overcome these hurdles.

Optimizing warehouse automation for Sustainable Growth: A Case Study of Coop Genossenschaft

21. mayo 2024

Coop, a leading Swiss retailer, has invested in a state-of-the-art logistics center in Schafisheim to enhance supply chain efficiency and sustainability. The facility integrates multiple distribution centers, leveraging automation to reduce CO2 emissions. This commitment aligns with Coop's goal "Net zero emissions" (Coop's Climate Strategy 2050).

Logistik im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel neu gedacht

Unlocking Resilience: How to Safeguard your Business Against Uncertainty

21. mayo 2024

In the dynamic world of grocery retail, success often hinges on the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of uncertainty. As external factors like labor shortages and supply chain disruptions loom large, businesses must prioritize resilience to navigate these challenges and ensure continued success.

Neue Wege gehen: Innovative Store-Formate

Die Geheimnisse des langfristigen Erfolgs im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel

21. mayo 2024

Im schnelllebigen Bereich des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels ist es entscheidend, der Zeit voraus zu sein. Doch wie kann man nicht nur überleben, sondern in einer sich ständig wandelnden Landschaft erfolgreich sein? Die Antwort liegt im Verständnis der Grundprinzipien, die nachhaltiges Wachstum und Erfolg fördern.
Erfahren Sie mehr darüber in unserem kostenlosen Whitepaper! 


Logística de transporte de alimentos - TGW

Tackling the Labor Shortage for Grocery Supply Chains

10. mayo 2024

In today's competitive business environment, labor shortages pose a significant challenge for grocery supply chains. These shortages disrupt operations, increase costs, and compromise product quality, making it essential for companies to find sustainable solutions.

KI in der Warehouse Management System von SAP EWM

Künstliche Intelligenz im Warehouse Management System (WMS) von SAP

24. abril 2024

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt wird die Logistik zunehmend komplexer und anspruchsvoller. Kunden erwarten nahtlose Lieferungen, optimierte Lagerbestände und eine effiziente Auftragsabwicklung. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, setzen Unternehmen auf innovative Technologien wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) unter anderem im Warehouse Management System (WMS) von SAP. Diese Integration eröffnet eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten.

Webinar Maximizing Warehouse efficiency-after automation preview

Maximizing Warehouse Efficiency after Automation

27. marzo 2024

In today's fast-paced business world, warehouse efficiency is crucial for a company's success. Automation has undoubtedly contributed significantly to increased productivity and efficiency, but many companies face the challenge of fully maximizing their warehouse’s potential after automation. In this article, we will explore some proven strategies and tips for maximizing warehouse efficiency after automation.

Imágenes de prensa

TGW headquarter in Marchtrenk (AT).

TGW Evolution Park

La sede del Grupo Logístico TGW en Marchtrenk (AT).
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Höchste Anlagenverfügbarkeit mit den TGW Lifetime Services.

Lifetime Services

Servicios postventa de TGW: para una alta productividad del sistema.
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Die Software-Lösung zur Planung, Überwachung und Optimierung von Intralogistik-Prozessen.

TGW Software WERX

La solución IT de TGW para planificar, monitorizar y optimizar los procesos de aprovisionamiento.
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Innovative micro-fulfilment concept for grocers by TGW.


Concepto innovador de abastecimiento para minoristas.
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Sistema de clasificación de bolsas sin manipulación manual.
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Smart TGW goods-to-person (GTP) order fulfilment system for single items.


Sistema inteligente de aprovisionamiento para pedidos de artículos individuales de mercancía a persona (GTP).
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